Heaven's Heart Keepsake with Pink Roses and Lilies from Sympathy Flower Shop. Send heartfelt condolences and celebrate a truly special life with this magnificent bouquet of pink roses and lilies beautifully surrounding a touching porcelain keepsake the family will treasure forever.
This heartfelt bouquet includes pink roses, pink spray roses, pink lilies, pink carnations, pink larkspur, seeded eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and sword fern. Your sympathy flowers include the Heaven's Heart Keepsake, approximately 6"H x 6"W.
Heart scripture read, "Because someone we love is in heaven, there is a little bit of heaven in our hearts."
Funeral flowers are approximately 29" W x 14" H.
The MAIN pictured item is for the DELUXE OPTION, but with picture will change depending on your size selection. (Standard, Deluxe, or Premium)
Pink Funeral Flowers with Heart and Wings Keepsake Gift | Heartfelt Farewell Sympathy Bouquet